This year my proposal for adding new templates to BuildmLearn Toolkit Android app was selected under Google Summer of Code 2016. I will be working with the organisation BuildmLearn under the mentor-ship of Pankaj Nathani (@croozeus).
First of all I would like to explain what BuildmLearn Toolkit app is:
Its is an easy-to-use android app that helps the users make another mobile apps without any knowledge of android application development. It helps creating mobile application with various functionality and allows teachers to input their custom content. Targeted at teachers, this toolkit helps them make learning fun and engaging through mobile apps.
During this summer I will be developing four more new templates (Video Collection, Comprehension, Match the following and Dictation) and integrating them with the current application.These template applications will follow material design guidelines.
Along with this, I have planned to add material design in previous four templates (viz. Basic mLearning, Quiz, Flashcards and Learn Spellings) also. It will also support simulator, users can view the simulation of the app before creating the APKs.
There is an existing issue, that the users cannot install multiple applications of same template at the same time. So I proposed a solution to change and make the android package name unique for created apps through templates. I am also going to add this new feature.
Community Bonding Period
The Community Bonding period is a vital part of the GSoC experience and is intended to get students ready to start contributing to their organization full time in May.
During this phase of GSoC, my mentor Pankaj Sir and I discussed and finalized the design. We also set a development approach, refined our project plan including finalizing deadlines and milestones, adding more detail and having an automated build system.
Adding Automated Build System
We decided to use Travis-CI for our build system, it will automatically build our repository.
I will be working in two repositories ::
- BuildmLearn-Toolkit-Android which will maintain the code for the toolkit
- Toolkit-mobile-templates which will maintain the code for template apps.
So, I setup the build system for both the repositories.
Travis script looks like ::
#for BuildmLearn-Toolkit-Android repository
before_install: cd source-code
– new-features
language: android
sudo: false
jdk: oraclejdk7
– GRADLE_OPTS=”-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m”
– platform-tools
– tools
# Need 22 for compilation
– android-23
# Google Play Services
– extra-google-google_play_services
# Support library
– extra-android-support
# Latest artifacts in local repository
– extra-google-m2repository
– extra-android-m2repository
# Specify at least one system image,
– sys-img-armeabi-v7a-$ANDROID_TARGETbefore_script:
# Create and start emulator
– echo no | android create avd –force -n test -t $ANDROID_TARGET –abi $ANDROID_ABI
– emulator -avd test -no-skin -no-audio -no-window &
– android-wait-for-emulator
– adb shell input keyevent 82 ¬ifications:
– croozeus (at) gmail (dot) com
– anupam (dot) das (dot) bwn (at) gmail (dot) com
on_success: always
on_failure: always
Wire-frame looks like this :
Thank You 🙂