GSoC Midterm Updates


So here are we, working for last 4 weeks and its time for an update of our work what we did during this period.

  • Addition of new VideoCollection Template and its app.

    Using this template, users(aimed at teachers) can make APKs containing collection of video tutorials. We support youtube’s both short and long links, vimeo and dailymotion links.

    Its very easy to use. They need to provide only the links. After providing the links, automatically the title, description and thumbnail of the video are collected and displayed properly. Users can also customise these details. They also get the facility of real-time simulation of the APKs formed from the current containing list of data.

    Users can also save this as a project and continue editing later.

    Once they are done with this, they can create the APK and distribute to students or the other users aimed at.

    I have attached one demo video of its working.


  • Addition of new Comprehension Template and its app.

    Using this template, users(aimed at teachers) can make APKs containing a comprehension and multiple-choice questions on its context.

    First they are required to provide the comprehension passage. They can provide this either by writing from the keyboard or entering from any .txt file saved in their phones.

    After providing the passage they can provide any number of multiple choice questions on the passage. Users can also customise these later. They also get the facility of real-time simulation of the APKs formed from the current containing list of data.

    Users can also save this as a project and continue editing later.

    Once they are done with this, they can create the APK and distribute to students or the other users aimed at.

    I have attached one demo video of its working.


  • Adding the feature of creation of APK with unique android app for all the templates.

    With the addition of this feature, every APKs that are created from the toolkit have unique id. Hence multiple APKs can coexist in an android system simultaneously. Its cool 🙂

  • Improving design of InfoTemplate and its app.

    We have updated the design of Info Template and its app to give a material look.

    Here is an working demo of it with latest material design.


  • Improvement of existing code.

  • Fixing Bugs.

  • Adding Documentations.

You can find my work here ::

Its really awesome to work in this cool project under the mentor-ship of Pankaj Nathani (@croozeus). Looking forward for completing the rest of the project. 🙂


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